
Every new food gardener should know the following tips for vegetable gardening


As food prices rise, more people are turning to vegetable gardens to offset the rising cost of groceries. Here are some tips for vegetable gardening that will help you get started if you are new to gardening or just starting to learn about food gardening. The Braga farms DFW run is situated in the heart of DFW and provides farmers markets all year. We have grown over 45 varieties of fruit and vegetables in our urban homestead, on less than one cultivated acre.

Let there be light. Vegetables that produce fruit, such as tomatoes, cucumbers and squash, need lots of sun. You want at least 8 hours of sun each day. You can still grow edibles even with less sunlight, mainly leafy plants and herbs. Here are my suggestions for shady crops.

The soil is everything. Healthy and rich soil are the keys to a productive and profitable vegetable garden. The soil test will help you determine the soil fertility and pH of your soil and give suggestions for fertilizers and amendments that will improve your garden. My garden uses homemade compost, organically-composed animal manures and organic fertilizers such as kelp meal, alfalfa meal, and alfalfa meals.

It’s okay to keep it small. A vegetable garden is not low-maintenance. Do yourself a favor and keep your plot small for the first few years. For a starter vegetable garden, a 4×8 foot bed will be ideal. It will allow you to grow several crops. (See the next point). You can also plant container-friendly vegetables and herbs in containers or window-boxes on your sunny deck if you are starting small.

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Choose your plants – It’s tempting to want everything in your first vegetable garden. For your own benefit, I recommend that you choose 4 to 5 varieties of vegetables and cultivate them well. You won’t get a bigger harvest if you try to squeeze too many vegetables into a small space. You can increase yield by succession planting. After your first crop has been harvested, you can follow up with another sowing. Follow spring lettuce with summer beans, for example. You can extend your harvest season by succeeding planting.

Let’s get out there and bloom! Yup, it’s true. Think of ladybugs, bees, ladybugs, tachinid and other flies. In your garden to attract them – and increase crop pollination – include clumps insect-friendly plants such as sweet alyssum and cosmos between the vegetables and herbs.

Water, weed, and feed – While this may seem like one of the easiest tips for vegetable gardening, new gardeners might not be aware of how much or when to water. While new seeded plants will require frequent watering, most established crops can survive on one to two inches of water per day. Mulch your soil with straw or shredded leaves to conserve water and minimize the need for irrigation. The mulch can also be used to suppress weeds. If grown in fertile soil, quick-growing crops such as lettuce and radishes won’t require additional fertilizers.

Plant high-yield vegetables

You can make the most of your space and time by planting vegetables that yield a high amount. Tomatoes, onions, and lettuce are at the top of this list. They take the least space and require the most time but yield the highest returns. While melons, winter squash, and pumpkins can be fun to grow, they require more space and produce less.

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Quality soil is essential

The soil is where plants get their nutrients. It makes sense then that vegetables will taste better when they are harvested. Organic matter is one of the best ways you can improve soil. Mulch can be made from many materials, including straw for vegetable gardens. It is important to mulch on a quiet day, and to keep it from getting too heavy, you need to water it regularly. Because it rains on the straw, Gilmour’s Elevated Sprinkler works well for this. The straw should be kept moist until it forms a cohesive mass in the garden.

The Right Crops to Grow in Your Region

We all know that tomatoes, peppers, and corn should not be planted before the soil has warmed up. However, many novice gardeners fail to recognize the importance of properly planting for their garden area. To determine if the plant will reach full maturity, check the date on the seed packet label or the plant label.

Proper watering is essential for vegetable gardens

Consistent watering is good for vegetables. You may lose vegetables if you don’t give your plants enough water. Too much water can cause root damage and drowning. Use a watering can at ground level to ensure that the roots receive consistent watering. A programmable timer can be connected to your hose to make it easier. It will automatically set the timer so you can concentrate on more labor-intensive vegetable gardening tips.