
A Comprehensive Guide to Pool Chemical Storage


Clear pool water doesn’t guarantee the fact that it’s ready for you to swim in. The only things that can make pool water safe for swimming are pool chemicals. Investing in pool chemicals is one of the major running expenses you’ll have to incur as long as you want to keep using your swimming pool. However, your work simply doesn’t end by buying pool chemicals and using them – you also need to pay attention to storing them properly.

Many pool owners make the mistake of storing their pool chemicals in improper conditions, and as a result, the chemicals lose their effectiveness. In the long run, this can lead to frequent pool chemical purchases, which is sure to put more strain on your finances. To help you avoid this problem, we’ve compiled this comprehensive guide, which will provide you with all the information you need to store your pool chemicals how they’re supposed to.

1. Get the basics right

Storing your pool chemicals properly begins with keeping them in the right place. Now, ‘the right place’ is dependent on a variety of factors. However, for starters, it’s important for you to remember that your pool chemicals must never be exposed to harsh temperatures and/or direct sunlight. The space where you store the pool chemicals should also be well-ventilated. It’s for these reasons that most pool owners build their pool chemical storage areas outside.

However, simply building the storage area outside may not guarantee that your chemicals will last as long as they should. You also need to take into consideration the humidity levels of the place where you live. For instance, if it’s too humid, the shed should be located somewhere that’s not directly exposed to the sun.

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2. Choose an indoor area for storage in the event of frequent temperature fluctuations

Some places experience drastic fluctuations in temperature regularly. For example, it can be incredibly hot and humid during the day but cold and dry at night. If you live somewhere that experience similar temperature fluctuations, it’s best to ditch the outdoor shed idea and head indoors.

Even if you do go ahead with building an outdoor shed, remember to take the chemicals inside once winter commences. While cooler temperatures are recommended for pool chemical storage, it’s not a good idea to expose the chemicals to excessive cold. Again, good ventilation is vital, and this might be a problem in indoor spaces. So, choose the most well-ventilated area for storing your pool chemicals.

3. Invest in a chemical storage container and place it properly

So, now that the shed and its location are out of the way, it’s time to buy a chemical storage container. These containers are readily available at any pool store, and you should buy some of them for storing chemicals separately. It’s important to opt for separate storage of chemicals as mixing them could have disastrous consequences. For instance, keeping liquid and dry chemicals close to each other can lead to spillages.

After you’ve purchased the chemical storage containers, you need to place them properly. They shouldn’t be placed at ground level, but they shouldn’t be placed over the level of your head either. We recommend placing them at eye level. Also, some places have strict chemical storage regulations. So, before you store your pool chemicals, make sure that you’re aware of those regulations and that you adhere to them. Swimming Pools Newcastle can aid in swimming pool regulation assistance.

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4. Don’t reuse containers

Reduce, reuse, recycle – this phrase bears incredible significance in today’s times. However, it’s best not to apply and practice it when it comes to pool chemical containers. Sure, you may need to spend some money from time to time to buy new containers, but it’ll be money well spent. After all, you don’t want your pool chemical storage area to be a danger zone, right?

So, after a particular container runs out of chemicals, dispose of it. You have to be cautious during disposal as you may have to adhere to local jurisdictional regulations and requirements.

5. Store pool chemicals away from potentially dangerous substances

You might be tempted to conserve space by storing pool chemicals alongside other common household substances. However, we recommend you keep your pool chemicals away from the following:

  • Paints
  • Glue
  • Fertilizers
  • Gasoline
  • Turpentine
  • Herbicides
  • Oils/grease
  • Flammable materials
  • Household cleaners

6. Don’t stack the containers

If your chemical storage area offers more height than width, you might feel that stacking the chemical containers on top of one another is the way to go. However, the fact is that stacking chemical containers is never a good idea, especially if you’ve got both dry and liquid chemicals. For instance, if you put a liquid chemical container on top of a dry chemical container, there’s every chance that the former will spill and mix with the latter.

So, if you don’t have much existing space to store the containers, make some and place them side by side. Also, keep the dry chemical containers away from the liquid chemical containers. This will ensure that there’s no mixture even if there’s a spillage. Also, always remember to close the containers after you’ve used the chemicals. Not closing them can damage the chemicals and/or lead to spillages.

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So, there you have it – 6 ways to ensure that your pool chemicals are stored the way they’re supposed to. Following the ways we’ve shared with you in this article will do a few things. For starters, they’ll keep the chemicals in good condition so they’ll do what they’re meant to when you introduce them to the pool water. Storing them well will also make sure that they are well out of reach of your children and/or pets. Last but not least, proper pool chemical storage will keep your overall pool maintenance expenses from skyrocketing.

Quite simply, if you haven’t been paying attention to how your pool chemicals are stored, it’s about time you did. Sure, you may have to take out some time and put in some effort to ensure proper storage. However, in the long run, the time and effort spent would be well worth it.