
How To Choose The Best Pipe Threader For You


Threading pipe is the best type of connection for these types of applications, whether you are fixing a drainage line or replacing equipment during the life of a well. Ridgid pipe threaders is renowned for making the highest quality tools that can be used to handle pipe in a variety of materials. City Supply listened to its customers and now has threading machine stock in their warehouse, ready for shipment. It is difficult to find pipe threading equipment and it is an essential asset on the jobsite. Please contact City Supply for more information.

The pipe threader is an essential tool that can cut threads at the ends of pipes for both male and female attachments. It is versatile and can be used in many industries, including plumbing and mining.

You need a reliable pipe threader to complete your project. There are many types of pipe threaders, from industrial-grade machines with a maximum diameter of 6 inches to smaller hand-cranked ones for smaller pipes. Many pipe threaders are affordable and can work in harsh conditions. Before you buy one, make sure you consider its key features, such as the size, thread type and quality, warranty, and so forth. You must also plan what you will do with it.

Here are some RIDGID pipe threading machines and tools that you can use on your job site in order to speed up your work.

Manual Ratcheting Threaders

This is a relatively affordable, but efficient option that is ideal for jobs like hot-water tanks and gas furnace replacements that only require a few threads. This is an excellent option for anyone who needs something lightweight and portable that can handle up to 2 inches of pipe. The threader can also be used to thread conduit or pipe using separate die heads for each pipe size and a manually operated wrench. As the thread grows in size, it requires a lot of physical effort. It must be equipped with accessories, such as a pipe cutter, reamer and vise, drop head and oiler, bucket and threading oil. It ensures a secure and lasting connection by using high-quality threads.

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Hand-Held Power Drives

A hand-held powerdrive is the best choice for plant maintenance or low-volume service projects. It uses the same drop-head die as manual ratcheting threaders but it’s faster and requires less physical effort. The difference is that the power drive rotates the die head around the pipe. It can also be used to thread conduits and pipes, but it is less portable than the manual one. The torque produced by this motor is quite strong. Users can use a reaction arm to counter this torque. This is ideal for larger diameter pipes. This power drive can be complemented by pipe cutter, vise, oiler, bucket, drop head, die heads, reaction arms, and threading oils.