
How to check for duplicate content on my website


The definition of duplicate content in a website is in two ways.  It can be internal copying on a site or content piracy from external networks.  It is crucial for website owners to detect and fix these issues to increase ranking and enhance user experience.

Duplicate content contributes to dropping of website rankings and hinder the attraction of more traffic. Content marketing is essential for businesses, and an owner should know “how to check for duplicate on my website” before content management systems create pages that affect the site’s SEO.

Here are ways of finding duplicate content.

  1. Google search console (Free)

Google search console mostly reports duplicate Meta tag issues which can find pages with duplicate content.  The tool may at times take time before indexing and communicating those issues or fails to report.  It does not mean premium business writing services that that the web content is safe if Google Search Console does not show duplication. It is safer to use it with other tools.

  1. Copyscape (free and premium)

Copyscape can help to find content copied from other websites. You may also use it to determine if some plagiarists are blog posts and pages.  It, however, does not show much about the duplicate content blocks on a website. A writer can use it to check if there is copying of content from other famous blogs within the same business niche before submission and publishing.

  1. Plagspotter (Free and paid version)

Plagspotter is a free, quick and thorough URL search.  It can scan a web page for duplicate content with around 50 listed sources in a minute. Plagspootter has an “originality” feature to allow comparison of text that it flags as duplicate. URL search is free for those who sign up for a 7-day trial to enjoy a variety of useful features that include plagiarism monitoring, batch searches, full-time scans and unlimited searches. You can continue using this tool after a free trial by upgrading to a paid version.

  1. Duplichecker (free)
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Duplichecker is a plagiarism checker tool that conducts text, Text file, URL or Docks searches. It allows one free search before sign up and unlimited searches after registration.  Scan for duplication is fast taking even seconds depending on the length of a page, file or text that you scan. It is simple and effective.

  1. Siteliner (free)

Siteliner is efficient in finding broken links or duplicate content blocks on a website. It is an excellent tool for fixing both issues and simple to use as it only requires typing of website URL in a search box. Siteliner will then provide a free comprehensive content analysis report. You can browse a report on Siteliner website or download the content analysis report in various formats.

  1. org (paid) browses through accessible internet pages searching for sources.  It detects exact matches and paraphrased text.  You check web content by pasting text, uploading the documents and wait to view results. The results after a scan show text with a highlight on any plagiarized parts with sources of plagiarism. References and quotes do not count as plagiarism, and their highlighting is in a different color. The report is easy to access at any time through a personal account, and you can download it in the form of a PDF file.

Checking duplicate content helps to prevent penalizing of a website for this act.