
Keeping Your Vacation as a Couple Stress-Free

Home Travel Tips

All couples bicker, but the last place you want to bicker is when you’re on vacation together. There are things about planning a vacation that can be stressful, but you want to minimize that stress as much as possible. Here are some tips to help you have the most enjoyable vacation you can together as a couple.

Pick the Right Place

It’s all about the destination. If you want to avoid any unnecessary stress during your vacation, the first thing you should do is choose a destination that you both want to go to. If you have very different tastes, this could be difficult. Work at it until you are both happy with the place you choose. If you force your beach-loving girlfriend to go on an Alaskan cruise, you’re only asking for trouble down the road.

Delegate Responsibilities

After you’ve also decided on a timeline that works for both of you, decide exactly who is going to take care of what. By clearly deciding who’s responsible for booking the flight or choosing the hotel, you’ll avoid any confusion later on. Besides the obvious, delegate responsibilities for other small-but-important things like who will do most of the packing, who will make arrangements for your pets, and who will put a hold on the newspaper subscription.

Take Turns

If you anticipate any arguments over which activities to do or what restaurants to eat at, decide that you’ll take turns making those decisions. You might alternate planning the daily agenda, or you’ll take turns choosing a local attraction to check out. This way you’ll both get to do the things you really want to do without arguing over when you’ll do them.

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Get Some Stress-Relief

Don’t want any stress on your vacation? Then plan to do something that’s totally anti-stress, like visiting the spa or getting a massage. Even just one short massage or spa treatment can help the both of you relax, and it will help relieve any tension or stress you’re carrying – stress that could affect your communication with each other. You both deserve to relax and let go of stress from your everyday lives.

Have Fun Together

This is obvious, right? Of course you’re on a vacation to have fun. But if you really want to have a good time, you’ll make it a conscious effort to have the best vacation ever. Go into it with a positive attitude. Seize the opportunity to spend some time alone in a far-off land with all obligations left at home. It’s a great time to reconnect with each other, reinvigorate your sex life, and just enjoy each other’s company.

Leave the World Behind

Because you’re on vacation to have fun together and relax, you don’t need to be distracted by work or other concerns. Agree to turn your cell phones off and leave your laptops at home. Make it so that nothing at home can interfere with your time together. A cell phone ringing at an inopportune time will be stressful. A vacation totally off the grid won’t be.