
Tips to get repeat work from customers

Home Improvement

Uncomfortably, it may be easy to assume that increasing work requires adding customers – which may indeed be true; but repeat work can also provide valuable income streams.

Consider how much more money you might make if asked back for more work in the near future, and here are simple strategies to increase your chances of repeated work.

Turn up when you say you will

Arriving early is one of the easiest ways to create an excellent first impression with any client, so be sure to be punctual whenever scheduled meetings take place and don’t change appointment dates or times without first consulting your client.

Customers become quickly frustrated if you fail to show up when promised and may decide not to hire you; if, however, you keep your commitments they may view it as proof that you’re reliable, professional and taking their job seriously – potentially earning them their business and potentially leading to additional opportunities.

Dress to impress

One sure way of leaving an impressive first impression is dressing appropriately. That doesn’t necessarily mean wearing formal attire like tie and suit; just be sure that you arrive looking clean and neat so as not to bring any dirt into their home or workplace.

Consider purchasing brand-name Polo shirts for both your employees (or just yourself if working solo). This allows them to look professional and stylish, and can ensure that their clients will remember them fondly.

Take time to explain

It can be easy to forget that many homeowners may not understand the basics behind home improvement, which may lead to confusion when explaining processes to them. If people appear perplexed when being explained the procedure, make sure they have an understanding of the language you are using when communicating the process.

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Even if they’re uncertain of the subject matter, your client will appreciate any efforts taken to make sure you’re on track – they may even come back when more work needs to be completed!

Put it in writing

Once an agreement has been made on a project and price with your client, writing everything down as soon as possible in a formal estimate will ensure both of you are on the same page and prevent any disputes over their agreed quote later on.

Writing out terms of service before receiving requests will give your clients confidence that you’re transparent about the work being completed and its cost. This can make you stand out from competition and boost future work opportunities.

Give rewards to customers

Giving customers rewards Unfortunately, sometimes doing an excellent job just isn’t enough to establish your business in their minds and convince them to send work your way again and again. So give your customers something in return as an incentive!

Recurring work needn’t break the bank – with a free aftercare appointment or 10 percent discount off future jobs, repeated work could become easier to secure.

Repeat work doesn’t need to be costly or time consuming if done properly. By following these steps, you will help to recognize your excellent work and gain trust from clients.